Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Caleb's surgery went very well. It was at scheduled for 12:45 on Monday and they actually came and took him in 15 minutes early unlike last time it was a 3 hour delay. The whole procedure from start to finish took about two hours. He woke up about a half an hour after surgery and we ready to get out of there. He was trying to pull his IV out and walk around. They let him walk about a half an hour after he woke up because he wouldn't sit still and he did fine. They were surprised because they gave him what is called a caudal block which is just like an epidural but in only numbs from the waiste down not your stomach down. We head back up to Chicago Friday so they can remove the dressing and then I believe he has an appointment in a couple of weeks after that... hopefully his last. He seems to be going to the bathroom just fine and is back to his normal activity. Caleb doesn't seem to be in to much pain unless he tries to get up on a chair really quick then he kind of stops and cries for a few minutes. Hope all is well with everyone else... Cant wait to get out and play.

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